Redesigning Search

Adding delight to user search with micro-interactions

Oct 25, 2022
ux engineering


Alibaba is the leading Travel and Hospitality company in Iran with 4M+ MAU. We redesigned Alibaba's website in 2019, which I've written about it in the Medium article Design Systems at Alibaba from a design systems perspective. In the redesign - during which I was the product designer of the Web Experience team and the DSM -, many of the components were revamped, and one of the most important ones was the search component which had a key part in users' journey in all of the products.


We updated the search bar based on the new design language but still, its main function was only to edit the search.

Search bar redesign

Search bar redesign

So we dug into requirements and current issues with the search:

The JTBD for the search bar was to allow the user to edit the search but also give feedback on the current search without getting in the way or creating noise on the page.

To implement possible solutions, the search bar had to support multiple states:

The state machine for search bar

The state machine for search bar

Going further I documented these conditions using Modes (dependent on attributes), and States (altered by interactions) for the engineers to implement. I also provided the pure CSS code myself.


Due to the specific requirements of each product (vertical), the default state of the Search bar would differ in the default state:

Collapsed Mode
Showing search summary by default

Attributes: Flight, Train, Tour

1. Click on the search bar → Expanded State
Expanded Mode
Showing search text fields by default

Attributes: Bus, Hotel, Accommodation


1. Default ↔ Fixed

Default state
While being on (or by returning to the) top of the page, the search bar returns to the Default state

1. Scroll down (64px) → Fixed mode
Fixed state
By scrolling down, the search bar gets fixed at the top of the page

1. Scroll on top → Default mode

2. Expand ↔ Collapse

Collapsed state

1. Click on Seach bar (or button) → Expanded state
Expanded state

1. Click on "Close" button → Collapsed state
2. Scroll up or down → Collapsed state


The transition between collapsed and expanded states in the search bar happens with the following animation:

Expand Animation – Transition from collapsed to expended state

Element Property Animation
.summery opacity: 0; function: cubic-bezier (0.3, 0.61, 0.09, 1.38)
duration: 0.3
.inputs opacity: 1; scale: 1;
.container height: max-content;
96px (Bus, Hotel, Tour)
136px (Dom Flight)
128px (Train)
338px (Int Flight Multi)
.expand-anim {
  animation: expand; 
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-duration: 0.5s;
  animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.445,  0.050, 0.550, 0.950);

@keyframes expand {
  0.00% {transform: scale(0);}
  21.12% {transform: scale(1.1415);}
  47.41% {transform: scale(0.9841);}
  73.71% {transform: scale(1.0018);}
  100.00% {transform: scale(0.9998);}

Collapse Animation – Transition from expanded to collapsed state

Element Property Animation
.summery opacity: 1; function: ease-out
duration: 0.1
.inputs opacity: 0;
scale: 0;
.container height: 64px

Framer Prototype

Key Takaways

I spent a lot of time crafting this micro-interaction and I've learned alot on the animation and engineering sides, from motion semantics to implementing complex animations in Pure CSS.

Although the time spent on crafting this micro-interaction may not worth it, But at the end of the day, working with it in the action and also the positive feedbacks from folks inside and outside was very satisfying 😇.

It's hard to measure the impact of this type of works, but I believe micro-interactions give soul and character to products. I'm still learning about micro-animation design and sometimes put my experiments on LottieFiles or Codepen.